Sunday, March 29, 2015

Away from Golden Calves towards Mountains on Fire.........Words of Matthew... Prayers of the Lakota, Walk more in balance with the passing of each glorious sun

I appreciate the pauses more and more...
The unforced rhythms of grace...
How the message interprets Matthew 11:28-30 is the beat of my heart these days..

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Pictures of golden calves and burning mountains fill out my mind's eye.  Thoughts of how I have worshiped the golden calf of "christ," a god made in my image or the image most acceptable to me...How I remade Jesus into something I could worship, something I could understand....   How now in these days I pause longer.  How in these days I allow stillness to grow ever deeper into me.  How in these days I allow the ceasing to bring me to a quiet place. How I allow a hunger to dwell deep within to know Him as He is and then comes a dark and fire filled mountain.  Unknown but knowable. Unpredictable but consistent and true.

A quiet, steadiness saturates into the depths of me... a deep desire to not ever go back to something contrived or man made.  Nothing that glitters with gold and made by human hands is that which I want to worship.  Upon a mountain that is full of dark unknowings and fire will I venture daring to hear the invitation to actually know God as God is....  

Nothing heavy...
Nothing ill-fitting
These days I watch
These days I learn about unforced rhythms of grace
These days I keep company with the One who keeps company with me
I am learning to live freely and lightly...

Beauty surrounds me 
I have relinquished much but in dying to that which I thought I knew  I have found life in that which I didn't know nor understand....  In losing so much through trusting that the path I was walking was being laid out for me I have found more than I could have ever imagined to find.  I have found more of myself.  I have found more of Him.

Touching time and time again Franciscan Prayer.. Oh Lord who are you? Oh Lord who am I?
In touching the prayer that has asked Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth.. I have been made full of unforced rhythms of grace and a profound joy.  Not without struggles nor sorrow... but a path that runs so continually deep and yet upon the ordinary moments calls me to live out love, life, sorrow, joy.. trust...

Grateful for the pilgrims that journey with me.. both current and from a far... 

New prayers have entered my life.... This beautiful Lakota prayer for healing and I give it to you as it was given to me... a beautiful gift from another people who have majestic worship for the Great Spirit.....

I desire to live... I desire to live and be made whole... I desire to live freely and lightly.... I desire to touch the truth of the light and easy yoke that Christ offers .....   

Enjoy the beauty of the healing song and let it wash over you and through you and into you.....  let burdens and heavy yokes fall off and enter into the prayer of life and healing.....

"Lord, take me from myself and give me to yourself." - St. Catherine of Siena

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

And I go to make sure that they have it.... Every man dies

One of the best home purchases I have ever made was an amazing queen size  blanket that is brown. I bought it at TJ MAXX, and it is the softest, most amazing blanket I have ever had.  I had fallen asleep earlier in the evening but actually way too late for a nap, upon waking up at 10:30, I knew the evening was going to be interesting.

I moved my body from the couch, heading down the hallway towards my bedroom.  Just eyeing the brown softness of that blanket invited me back into bed, back into lying down.  Except sleep would elude me as I had just had a three hour nap.

I did what I do often. Curled up within the folds of my blanket, I turned to my left and reached towards the stack of books that tower upon my night stand.  My favorite posture; blanket, pillows, curled up body and book.  Smile....

 Except other words than those I was reading danced through my head.  Before I knew it I knew that the warmth that surrounded me was not just because I was wrapped within softness and fabric.  It was the warmth that starts above oneself.  A glowing warmth.  A magnificent light.  A powerful gentleness.  Saturating my soul and encasing me into its strength and beauty Holy Spirit was saying, "Hello."  Coming with pictures, a warmth of Spirit's own, and a powerful gentleness that is continually my undoing.

I hadn't thought of Braveheart in years. 

Flashes of scenes danced through my heart resonating into the depths of my being.  
Then the words... There's a difference between us... Then other words.. "Title," "Position," "People." Images of moments in my own life, words I have heard spoken and then again the words of very talented screen writers all swirled within my mind.
Then this:

" There's a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it. "
Then as if a split screen; I could hear when it is written that the Christ spoke as it is recorded by His disciple, John.  
"In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. "And you know the way where I am going." ( John 14:3)
He, whose equality with God certainly gives Him titles beyond anything of this Creation,  has a passion.  That passion is humanity.  It is flashed upon every screen during sports games, invariably someone is wearing something with the famous John 3:16 passage.  
So how have we gotten it so wrong for so long?
Too often and more than naught, my eyes have beheld more the statements written by the writers of the Braveheart movie.  "You think the people .. exist to provide you with.........." Fill in the blank.  While position exists to provide for people freedom.  I have heard it said and spoken that which our ears want to hear.  That this statement of inverse service and that the leader is the point of an upside down triangle called to serve all.  More than words spoken and ideals shared I have seen, partaken in and known to be true the more real  reality of a hierarchical system  where the people exist to provide leaders and organizations numbers and finance.
These days have been filled with reflection.  These days have been filled with searching of the heart.  These days have been filled with pictures of spectacles of man and words of man that seem empty and futile.  As I lay wrapped within warmth both physically and upon my depths of being, other quotes came to mind...  What people are truly hungry for.... What within conversation ends up stirring up passion and actual real interest.  Authentic.  Not supposed or fabricated authenticity because of understanding of culture and necessity to be relevant and use the key words that this generation wants to hear, but a true resonance of hunger and truth and spirit.
This interchange between characters; between father and son....
Robert the Bruce: Lands, titles, men, power, nothing.
Robert's Father: Nothing?
Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and their children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk, they fought for William Wallace, and he fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it's tearing me apart.
Robert's Father: All men betray. All lose heart.
Robert the Bruce: I don't want to lose heart. I want to believe as he does. 

"Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and their children"
Obviously not so dramatic as this; but I have watched men and women serve and continue to serve despite the way they are treated because they are enslaved to a person, vision or some false sense of importance and need of identity.  I have watched men "fight," (serve) leaders because if they did not they knew that there were hundreds of others that would, so they allowed their families and themselves to be put through things that should have never been.  Too many have lost heart. That needs to matter.

What comes to matter is this... Solomon knew it to be true....  All is meaningless under the sun. All pass away.... History has seen men and women come and go. Today's names give way to tomorrow's stars.  And still Creation goes round.

 Every man dies, not every man really lives.  
It may sound corny or cliche. But I want to live.... I desire to live and not die.

  I don't mean a final death.  I mean the million tiny deaths we allow into our beings out of fear.  I don't want those anymore.  I want life.  I hunger for life. I desire life.  I want to find life in all moments.  In the breeze of the morning, in the setting of the sun, in the whispers and laughter of my children, in the embrace of my husband and in the affections of my God.  Too much death has stolen moments of my life away.  I have died.  Now I really need to live.  
I know naught where I am going.  I have more questions than answers.  But I know this what erupts within conversation these days is awakening.  Awakening.  There are realities beyond cultural norms of Church and service that people can sense in their very bones and though language might eclipse us all for a moment, it is emerging as is strength and hunger and passion.  Exhaustion and death and dry bones have led to an exceedingly great army having had and beginning to have renewed breathe, a determination to search, seek out, pursue and find expression.  
"And I go to make sure they have it...."  Ah Jesus speaks similar words as I shared....   His hunger and desire and passion for people. His laying down of divinity for humanity's sake..  His example... His ways... True and authentic and real .. The hunger for that expression is palpable upon the atmosphere and within the hearts of people.  
Now courage... courage to live....
I've quoted the movie, Braveheart.  Now to end with one of my ultimate favorites from another show...
Mr. Edward Magorium: [to Molly, about dying] When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He's written "He dies." That's all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is "He dies." It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with "He dies." And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it's only natural to be sad, but not because of the words "He dies." but because of the life we saw prior to the words.
[pause, walks over to Molly]
Mr. Edward Magorium: I've lived all five of my acts, Mahoney, and I am not asking you to be happy that I must go. I'm only asking that you turn the page, continue reading... and let the next story begin. And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest "He died."
Molly Mahoney: [starting to sob] I love you.
Mr. Edward Magorium: I love you, too.
[picks Molly up, sighs heavily]
Mr. Edward Magorium: Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.
Your life is an occasion ... Rise to it! 


Thursday, March 5, 2015

I can't be made of ticky tacky...

While I am the parent there are times more than not that my children are the teachers.  Currently ranging from 6 to 20; these six human beings are my most favorite life tutors.

I remember when our oldest was 15.  He watched a show whose theme song was Little Boxes by Malvina Reynolds.  It was during that time that we were transitioning as parents for the first time, and Jim was guiding me through with grace and understanding that in order for our children to become adults they needed freedom.  I wanted to still control.  Control what they watched. Control what they listened to. Control....  But the young man who was no longer a child, who was soon to be driving was being led by an incredible father. And I was being wooed to my husband's understanding.  Thank God!

Free Will...

So I wasn't thrilled with the show he was watching but I was only to see how it was actually going to show him an incredible lesson.  One which I would need a few more years to learn.

These days I have gotten into some of the most interesting conversations I have had in a long time.  Here's a recap of one.  We were talking about the expression of heart and intent and how sometimes the depth of which isn't conveyed correctly via social media or online communication.  I have sat with the conversation. Today,  I have thought through it all with this posting.

A few honest comments about life right now and then I will explain the song and the boxes.

My husband and I have been in full or part time ministry for almost the entirety of our married lives.  Serving Christian ministries and churches in a variety of capacities.  He created Interpret My Dream under Streams Ministries, a website that trained up dream interpreters across the globe.

With the help of friends and those that believed in us, we started Stir The Water, an online organization that continued to train up dream interpreters as well as began to service and train up the empath, the intuitive, the seer.  Those that knew in their very core that they saw beyond what was seen, heard beyond what was heard, knew, felt, tasted and smelled all that exists within the unseen spiritual realities.

We wrote, spoke, created classes and served and loved and raised our family amidst a culture of non denominational charismatic Christian faith.  Some of my closest friends I have never met, as the culture of our ministry was web based and across the globe, but true and real and deep are those experiences.  If you are one of those people know that your names and logins live deeply within my being, etched upon my heart.

I have recently shared and re-shared my journey as I kept thinking for months and seasons, "I can't do this anymore."  I did and I didn't know what that was exactly.  I allowed experience and life to cross my path.  I smile and think of my friend Camille as  quotes from Four Feathers dance through my head as I wrote that last sentence.  (If you haven't seen the movie you should, the one that was released probably almost a decade ago now. Wow! Time flies.)

I don't want to make the journey I am on seem more grandiose then it is... It has been much harder than I ever anticipated; full of sadness, full of joy, full of anxiety, full of wonder, full of beauty and awe, full of struggle, full of life.. full of death.  It has been full. 

It has brought us to a place where as a family we decided to step back.  Step way back.  Stir The Water is on a hiatus. Our family has taken Sundays as a day for family and friends, food and fun.  We are pausing.  We are being still.  We are ceasing our striving.  We are being.  We are getting to know God anew.. afresh.. and falling in love with each other and the Spirit all over again.

 It is good.

 It is very good.

Less is the path to more.  Decreasing is a path to increase.  Adjusting self and life towards re-balancing. Laying down life and letting it go one finds self and life all over again.  That is this season.  Stepping back grants perspective that living in the middle doesn't and neither one is better than the other, it is just listening to what season one is in and where one must walk.

Now is where I want to go into "ticky tacky."  The lyrics to the song, Little Boxes,

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same

In trying to explain my heart to a friend, I began to explain... "We were part of this one "box," and they had these ways and these things that they do, they said that this was the way that God operated and within that box I lived for over a decade.  Then we were part of this other "box," and again they too told us God operated this way and within this box this is what you do.  Each of those boxes had things you did and things you didn't do and of course they didn't call themselves "boxes," they were expressions.

We would touch healthier "expressions," and we would touch not so healthy "expressions."  In some there was more capacity to ask the questions, seek out real answers if they were to be found, explore community in ways that creativity and Shel Silverstein's poems expressed. In other's, well in others as we touched a corner or an edge it was made clear that this was not a circle and there was a definitive boundary, crossing of it broke community, and friendship was told to be sought else where. Other places allowed their edges to have more elasticity and for that I am very grateful. 

Boxes can be pretty.  They certainly can help one feel like the answers to all of life's hard, very hard questions have really good and solid answers.  Except what if they don't.  Except what if the questions and the answers fall outside of the scope and sequence and experience of those ninety degree corners? What happens then?

That is where my husband's reality for raising kids into adulthood comes in... Hopefully with maturation comes growth into discernment.  Growth into understanding and what is life giving and what isn't.  That growth hopefully propels each individual forward into wisdom and beneficial decision making practices. 

As a Christian I believe in the futuristic idea of the Bride of Christ.  A One.  Not Methodist, not Presbyterian, not charismatic, not pentecostal, not baptist, not catholic, not episcopal...  What?  What does it look like? We honestly don't know.  What does it look like? We honestly can't even begin to fathom it's marvelous complete nature.  But there will be one.  It is my belief .... The reality of which forms out a paradigm of thought and practice.

Except for now there are too many.  Too many boxes. Too many divisions. Too many interpretations and translations of who and what God is like.  Too many being too willing to tell all of us who God is and who God isn't and who is included and who isn't.  I'm just not willing to listen as much any more.... Not to the voices of those who are box makers and line drawers.  I think there is a whole lot that we earnestly don't know and yet try to say we do instead of looking at the hard questions, and embracing the fact that maybe the answers just aren't as easy and clear cut as we would want them to be.  It certainly is easier when they are..  But easier doesn't necessarily allow for growth, discernment or life.

I close with this....  My therapist said once that she pictured me with like 17 books open at one time. Two of those 17 right about now are these:  The Big Book of Christian Mysticism by Carl McColman and The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness by Pema Chodron.  (A bunch of you "liked" her quote I posted on Facebook the other day.  I didn't accredit it to her not because I was concerned but because I wanted to see if people would like what a Buddhist nun has to say if they didn't know it was a Buddhist nun saying it. Unfair? Maybe, I was just curious. The affects were interesting.)

Each of those books talks about Sticking to One Boat or going deep within one tradition.... Here is how Pema Chodron expresses this idea:

"In traveling around and meeting so many people of so many different traditions and nontraditions, what I have found is that, in order to go deeper, there has to be some kind of wholehearted commitment to truth or wanting to find out, wanting to find out what the true meaning is.  Therefore, if you want to hear..., you can hear from many different places, but you are uncommitted until you actually encounter a particular way that rings true in your heart and you decide to follow it.  Then you make a connection with that particular lineages of teachings and that particular body of wisdom...... The point is that it's best to stick to one boat, so to speak..., because otherwise the minute you really begin to hurt, you'll just leave or you'll look for something else........................

Stop shopping around and settle down and go deeply into one body of truth.  He taught that this continual dabbling around in spiritual things was just another form of materialism, trying to get comfortable, trying to get secure, whereas if you stuck to one boat and really started working with it, it would definitely put you through all your changes. You would meet all your dragons; you would continually be pushed out of the nest. It would be one big initiation rite, and tremendous wisdom would come from that, tremendous heartfelt, genuine spiritual growth and development.  One's life would be well spent.  He stressed that his students should stop just dabbling in spirituality to try to feel good or get high or be spiritual....

It's best to stick with one thing and let it put you through your changes.  When you have really connected with the essence of that and you already are on the journey,everything speaks to you and everything educates you... You know that the vehicle is the one that works for you."

I have loved my journey within the reality of the expression of Christ upon the earth. My journey with Christ's spirit and even within church communities at times.  I would still very much categorize myself as part of the Christian faith. That is my One. That is my boat.   It has definitively put me through the ringer, broken my heart and put it back together again. Except, I just can't be made of ticky tacky, and I can't exist within the lines of a box that are super imposed upon me telling me that this is God and every other box isn't or doesn't have as good or full expression.

Jim articulated it this one way this week. "We are on the R and D side right now and that doesn't go on the assembly line just yet."  Research and development.  No! Not to create another box but towards discovery and towards life and fullness.  What does it all mean? What will it all look like?  I don't know... I'm not willing to say I do...  My little dualistic self has break downs at times these days.  I liked black being black and white being white and yes being yes and no being no, I liked round peg and round holes.  Because it was easier.  Because then I had these clear cut answers that I could rest well at night knowing I had them... But He who went into Samaria and into the temple has a way of overturning tables and mindsets and it is Him I follow... Even to the ends of the earth...... Whatever and wherever that may be!

So this is a journey.  A journey into places I do not know.. I am taking what Moses spoke about when he invited the children of Israel into  the deep darknesses of the Lord and allowing myself to be led and allowing myself to ask questions, and allowing myself to not have answers... Because in the deepest of darkness one encounters the Lord in the most magnificent of ways that alters courses and breaks down walls... aka lines of boxes............

Monday, March 2, 2015

The fun one? Playfulness...............

"I can picture that you are the fun one."

 I couldn't look more shocked as my eyes lifted to make contact.

 "No, absolutely not... I am not the fun one."

That was actually a piece of sorrow within my heart, that I wasn't... in the depths of my heart the confession existed that I was indeed not the fun one. Inhibition ruled and I did not let myself  release all that often to just have fun.  I'm not talking about going to the movies fun, or playing a board game fun, or going to the amusement park fun and I'm not talking about life of the party fun either.  I'm talking about joy emanating, peace exuding, smile upon face.. not in a bubbly extroverted way but in the life is ok, this moment is ok; kind of way; fun.  You know that person that despite any circumstance that is going on and however bad it is; the person because of their presence brings a blanket of okedness and deep joy that permeates the environment. The essence of fun.

 NO, I was not that person.

Too tightly wound.
Too much in my head.
Too unsure.
Too insecure.
Too afraid inside of what others thought.

No, I was not the "fun one."  And I let the one who spoke such a thing know as much.  All that person did was look back at me and stand firm.  "I think you are the fun one."

This person has been more right upon more topics than I care to give them. (Huge smile here. Sometimes tone is hard to read.)

I want to write a caveat here.  I am going to write freely.  I implore you to proceed. I know I am writing this post, I don't mean to be pompous here... But this post is changing my life and I know it will change yours. If you let it....  It might stretch you a bit to hear the words, "Buddhist nun,"  be stretched.  Just journey within this  blog with me and wander around in your own thoughts.  In the expression of humanity there is more in common then what we in our egos want to admit.  I am not saying anything more but I am not saying anything less upon this topic in this posting; my prayer is you will find the grace, eyes, and ears and heart to embark upon the waters of the deep oceans.

So I am reading The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving - Kindness, by Pema Chodron.  Loving - Kindness has been a fascination of mine for years now.  I have a friend who has taught upon it opening up pathways for it to come flowing forth like a most magnificent river of life into me.  Loving Kindness is spoken of so often within the scriptures; the strength of it, how it surrounds us, how we are pursued by it and how it is a force and a power and a beauty that changes lives.  Pema Chodron writes upon this topic as well and as I embarked upon a thirty day discovery with this book, I was rendered into joy.

Before going further I want to lay a foundation.  Or as I said in a previous post I want to give you two pieces of the puzzle and then we will proceed to the picture.

What is the second commandment?  So often we hear love your neighbor.  I want to focus on the totality of  that command.  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  I know so many people who love their neighbors; love them extremely well!  Serve and love their neighbors, pour out their lives for their neighbors, demonstrate loving kindness to their neighbors all day long.  Those same people I don't see loving themselves well at all.  They extract something from themselves that they earnestly don't have to give.  I did it for decades under some compulsion to think or believe I was a good person because I could love my neighbor and serve them to the point of utter exhaustion.  

What does it mean to love oneself?  How would that change loving neighbors enough to show a difference in my own life?  We will get to these questions in a minute.

Pause here... sit with these... sit with the question what does it mean to love oneself?  Reflect.  Wait. Linger...

Second piece of the so called puzzle that I want to lay before you and slide it over across the table to you because I think you have the matching piece for the border.

It is found in the book of Matthew in the New Testament. (Mt 7:2-4)

Do not judge so that you will not be judged. "For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?…

I want to sit on the log for a moment. 

Oh that log.  That place of self examine that is not an easy place to go.

And now we head forward to the picture... Hold onto the Second Commandment and the story of the log in your own eye.

Now some quotes.......

"The path of meditation and the path of our lives altogether has to do with curiosity, inquisitiveness. The ground is ourselves now, not later.  People often say to me, "I wanted to come and have an interview with you, I wanted to write you a letter, I wanted to call you on the phone, but I wanted to wait until I was more together."  And I think, "Well, if you're anything like me, you could wait forever!" So come as you are.  The magic is being willing to open to that, being wiling to be fully awake to that. One of the main discoveries of meditation is seeing how we continually run aware from the present moment, how we avoid being here just as we are.  That's not considered to be a problem; the point is to see it.

Inquisitiveness or curiosity involves being gentle, precise, and open - actually being able to let go and open.  Gentleness is a sense of goodheartedness toward ourselves. Precision is being able to see very clearly, not being afraid to see what's really there, just as a scientist is not afraid to look into the microscope. Openness is being able to let go and to open.  (Pema Chodrin, Loving - Kindness, The Wisdom of no Escape).

Think about those that followed the Christ when He walked the face of the Earth.  Jesus didn't clean up the fishingman, tax collectors, prostitutes prior to calling them to follow Him.  He called them.  He called them to come as they were.....

For what seems like ions now upon the movements of my heart the whispers of the Lord make their movement across my heart.  "Let it go, child.. let it go. Let it go."  No, He isn't Elsa from Frozen.  Much grander and real.

The ideas are very Ignatian as well. The practice of the daily examin.  The reality of holding in tension our strengths and our giftings alongside our weaknesses and limitations.

As I started my personal journey with breathe, stillness, solitude, mediation and quiet I had to learn to sit with myself.  As I have guided others during a spiritual direction session I have watched as just sitting still with phone, ipod, computer, tv, etc off is sometimes thoroughly undoing. In our culture to sit with oneself or to just sit, is not something we practice. It is to our detriment.

Unaware of what those practices were doing and undoing within me I began to emerge into a different space.  I was kinder to self, kids, husband. I was more aware of all things around me; color, beauty, sound, light and joy.  I was settling into my body probably for the first time in all my 43 years. (Not going into those details here but coming from an abusive past who wants to sit with self and body?)  In so doing I was changing. In embracing these practices I was soaring upon the wind.  In learning to sit quietly and patiently with who it is that I am within the reality of the Spirit and the heart of Creator, I became more and less.

I began to love myself. I began to understand I was a self to love.  I began to touch the reality of the deepest truths that I am a I.  A fun I. A happy I. A strong I. A beautiful I. A smart I. A quirky I.  I loved all of it. I loved all that discovery. Even the not so positive Is.  I have insecurities and fears. I lose train of thought often. I have needs for people in places I don't like needing people. I have longings and desires I don't know what to do with. I have hatred in my heart. I can be mean. I can be selfish.  Well... so maybe I don't love all of it... But as I looked at the pole in my own eye. As I sat with the poles in my own eye, something richer and deeper began to emerge.  I had fallen in to what I considered a pathetic cliche of a struggle  within my heart, as I sat with it, allowed to myself to face that indeed this was in my heart and it was a definitive struggle and I felt foolish and stupid for letting it all happen; compassion was birthed.


Let me quote Pema one more time.....

The effect of this month of meditation that we are beginning will be as if, at the end of of wach day, someone were to play a video of you back to yourself and you could see it all. You would wince quite often and say "Ugh!" You probably would see that you do all those things for which you criticize all those people you don't like in your life, all those people that you judge. Basically, making friends with yourself is making friends with all those people too, because when you come to have this kind of honesty, gentleness, and goodheartedness, combined with clarity about yourself, there's no obstacle to feeling loving - kindness for others as well.

So the ground of maitri (friendship with self) is ourselves................Out inquisitiveness will not be limited just to sitting here; as we walk through the halls, use the lavatories, walk outdoors, prepare food in the kitchen, or talk to our friends - whatever we do - we will try to maintain that sense of aliveness, openness, and curiousity about what's happening. Perhaps we will experience what is traditionally described as the fruition of maitri - playfulness.

So hopefully we'll have a good month here, getting to know ourselves and becoming more playful, rather than more grim. (Pema Chodrin, Loving - Kindness, The Wisdom of no Escape).

I had been given this book months ago with another one. It was the other one I had begun.  Yesterday this book called to me. I could see it in my mind's eye. I could see where it lay besides my bed. The calling was relentless. To it I went.  As I read day one of this thirty day adventure, I laughed and I cried and I sat in awe.

I didn't know what the heck I was doing when I began to sit quietly and meditate. I felt the posture calling to me. I felt silence wooing me towards something.  I felt Holy Spirit urging me to be still; be still and know Holy Spirit in ways I had never known before. I felt the call to cease striving. It was relentless. I had read mystics and contemplatives of old but hadn't fully put into practice all that I had known for a while.

I got the books about all these topics and upon my shelves they lay, as whisper after whisper implored me to just trust and rest and return and quiet.  An inner strength began to emerge as did tears, as did anger, as did peace, as did trust, as did joy, as did frustration, as did sorrow, as did me...... I began to emerge. My voice, who it is that the I of me is.... and I began to smile more.  Contentment rocked my world.  My soul was utterly changing before me.  I was becoming the me I was always intended to be and am becoming the me I was always intended to become.

Whimsical and fanciful and strong and beautiful and kind and wise and stupid and corrupt and impatient and egotistical.  I emerged loving song again as music reentered our lives filling out car trips and cleaning kitchens. Dancing and dishes, singing and scrapping, laughing and laundry...  Life became full of more. Kids and I singing at the top of our lungs as I drive down the highway, dancing in the kitchen as our favorite songs flash through my Ipod, and so many more memories.. too many to recount.   Amidst the realities of the day and the past year still that was full of loss and pain and struggle and weeping and mourning, I saw the first rays of the dawn and there was dancing. There is dancing.

I was so tightly wound. I was so strict with myself.  I was so hungering for perfection. I was dying. I was suffocating. I was miserable. I was loving my neighbor though................ Just not self.

I went back to that person recently.  I looked them in the eyes.  A huge smile upon my face.

"I am the fun one."

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Buddhist Nun, A Catholic Priest, A Trappist Monk, A Christian Apologist... just to name a few, and no it isn't a joke

The words formed in my thoughts as if there was going to be a joke that could be told.  Their names splashed upon the screen within my mind.  A Buddhist Nun, a Catholic Priest, a Trappist Monk, a Christian apologist, and so many many more.

Then as if in a pause I saw a picture of a red hot stove and I saw my 6 children standing before the appliance. Within my heart I heard the whispers; "when I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think like a child, reason like a child." And the still quiet whispers continued; "... and you have come to need milk and not solid food."  The whispers faded away. In their stead were the pictures of my children once again standing before the hot, red stove.

Words and pictures all dancing together and formed out within my heart a hunger for discernment.  The reality of the Lord is spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.  The hunger for liberty, for freedom, for joy and for truth coursed through my entire being.  The trust of Spirit to lead into all truth only growing.

Before going forward I would like to go back.

When my oldest was two and he lifted his hand as if to place it upon the red, hot stove I was there to keep him from burning himself.  Now when my oldest is twenty and living on his own he knows how to use the stove to cook for himself and his friends.  When he was a child I kept him as safe as I could.  Now that he is an adult he has learned discernment and reason and knows or learns what happens upon any specific decision.

When our oldest son was fifteen my husband and I got into a "discussion," about things he was watching, listening to and so on... And in those moments my husband's brilliance soared.  He recognized our job had shifted.  That in order to now get our son into adulthood we had to communicate trust.  We had to show him that we trusted him to either make the better decisions or to face the consequences of not doing so.  I love the vision that my husband has in his heart to mature our children into adulthood.  I love how he teaches them discernment.  I love how he teaches them to move away from childish things and actually become adults.  I love the adults our children are becoming.

Time for maturity.
Time for growth.
Time for trust.
Time for discernment.

But how?  I want to give you pieces of the puzzle and then I want to continue to paint the picture.

When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:11

And another piece.....

Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.  Hebrews 5:12-14  (Verse 14 is the guiding verse for our families life and organization). 

We don't want our 20 year olds acting like our 5 year olds. I have one of each and believe me I don't. As it is in the natural so it must be in spiritual growth and development.  There must be a movement away from feeding to empowering.  From controlling to equipping.  From childhood to adulthood. From milk to meat. From ignorance and fear to discernment and life.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought like a child, and I reasoned with childish understanding.  Within a longing towards maturity I ached.  I knew there was a more and I knew I only knew in part.  The initial prayers towards trust, towards leaning, towards believing that Spirit can indeed do that which Spirit does brought me upon a path towards that more.

In my journey I found a Sufi poet who brilliantly articulated concepts better than any I had heard prior, a woman who had become a nun in the Buddhist tradition whose words fell upon my entire being and brought forth healing and hope, a Catholic priest whose writings taught me to embrace, "both and," more than "either or," and two Trappist Monks whose understanding on meditation and centering prayer catapulted me towards life.

There are stoves out there that are red hot but that heat can cook as well as harm.

So what becomes the difference?

The end of chapter 5 in the book of Hebrews within the Christian scriptures gives us an answer.

For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.

How can we ascertain what is right?  Let us cease being infantile and grow and mature and practice discernment.

This wasn't easy for me.  This was very hard and disorienting for me at times.  I was a round peg/round hole kind of girl.  I was a black is black and white is white and this is that and that is this, and here are my boxes and aren't they pretty and neat and well articulated.  I was smart and careful and in my own eyes seemed wise.  Except I wasn't discerning.  I was allowing others to give me fish and tell me this is food. Or allowing others to say we don't touch that, we don't go there, we don't do that.

It was to the Samarias that they said we don't go, it is the Samaritans that they said were dangerous, less than, not true worshippers.  But when upon the terrains of Samaria I began to sojourn I saw Samaria wasn't dangerous. And as I looked back I saw the boxes I had been contained within were actually the truest danger to freedom.

I want to grow up and leave childish mentalities behind me.  Holes aren't always square and neither are pegs, and there is a whole lot of beautiful color out there to explore and play with and splash in.  I want to move beyond milk and learn what is the meat of the Spiritual realm and understanding.  What is the power of love?  What is the beauty of light? What is the magnificence of breathe?  

I trust that perfect love is guiding me and will lead me away from fear and destruction and will if I let it guide me into all truth....

I leave to you some quotes from said Nun, Monk, Priest, Apologist, Poet... But I purposefully don't attribute which to which.....  I want you to hear with the ears of your heart the beauty and truth that reasonates..

The complementary movement towards divine love is growth in humility which is the acceptance of the reality about ourselves, our own weakness and limitations.

“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them” 

God's first language is Silence. Everything else is a translation.

“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment,
and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.”

“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy.”  

The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes. ” 

“Life is glorious, but life is also wretched. It is both. Appreciating the gloriousness inspires us, encourages us, cheers us up, gives us a bigger perspective, energizes us. We feel connected. But if that's all that's happening, we get arrogant and start to look down on others, and there is a sense of making ourselves a big deal and being really serious about it, wanting it to be like that forever. The gloriousness becomes tinged by craving and addiction. On the other hand, wretchedness--life's painful aspect--softens us up considerably. Knowing pain is a very important ingredient of being there for another person. When you are feeling a lot of grief, you can look right into somebody's eyes because you feel you haven't got anything to lose--you're just there. The wretchedness humbles us and softens us, but if we were only wretched, we would all just go down the tubes. We'd be so depressed, discouraged, and hopeless that we wouldn't have enough energy to eat an apple. Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us. They go together.” 

“Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. The hard truth is that all people love poorly. We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour increasingly. That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family.”  

“A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.” 

To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”  

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”  

So how then do we proceed?

With discernment...
With love..
With patience...
With kindness..
With wisdom....
With trust...
With courage..
With faith..