Sunday, March 29, 2015

Away from Golden Calves towards Mountains on Fire.........Words of Matthew... Prayers of the Lakota, Walk more in balance with the passing of each glorious sun

I appreciate the pauses more and more...
The unforced rhythms of grace...
How the message interprets Matthew 11:28-30 is the beat of my heart these days..

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Pictures of golden calves and burning mountains fill out my mind's eye.  Thoughts of how I have worshiped the golden calf of "christ," a god made in my image or the image most acceptable to me...How I remade Jesus into something I could worship, something I could understand....   How now in these days I pause longer.  How in these days I allow stillness to grow ever deeper into me.  How in these days I allow the ceasing to bring me to a quiet place. How I allow a hunger to dwell deep within to know Him as He is and then comes a dark and fire filled mountain.  Unknown but knowable. Unpredictable but consistent and true.

A quiet, steadiness saturates into the depths of me... a deep desire to not ever go back to something contrived or man made.  Nothing that glitters with gold and made by human hands is that which I want to worship.  Upon a mountain that is full of dark unknowings and fire will I venture daring to hear the invitation to actually know God as God is....  

Nothing heavy...
Nothing ill-fitting
These days I watch
These days I learn about unforced rhythms of grace
These days I keep company with the One who keeps company with me
I am learning to live freely and lightly...

Beauty surrounds me 
I have relinquished much but in dying to that which I thought I knew  I have found life in that which I didn't know nor understand....  In losing so much through trusting that the path I was walking was being laid out for me I have found more than I could have ever imagined to find.  I have found more of myself.  I have found more of Him.

Touching time and time again Franciscan Prayer.. Oh Lord who are you? Oh Lord who am I?
In touching the prayer that has asked Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth.. I have been made full of unforced rhythms of grace and a profound joy.  Not without struggles nor sorrow... but a path that runs so continually deep and yet upon the ordinary moments calls me to live out love, life, sorrow, joy.. trust...

Grateful for the pilgrims that journey with me.. both current and from a far... 

New prayers have entered my life.... This beautiful Lakota prayer for healing and I give it to you as it was given to me... a beautiful gift from another people who have majestic worship for the Great Spirit.....

I desire to live... I desire to live and be made whole... I desire to live freely and lightly.... I desire to touch the truth of the light and easy yoke that Christ offers .....   

Enjoy the beauty of the healing song and let it wash over you and through you and into you.....  let burdens and heavy yokes fall off and enter into the prayer of life and healing.....

"Lord, take me from myself and give me to yourself." - St. Catherine of Siena

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