Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Walking upon the spectrum....

I noticed him immediately.

It was his eyes that drew me into his world.

I recognized the gaze.

It landed on my heart and I smiled.

A precious and amazing little guy, amidst a sea of 50 children.

No one had to tell me about him.  I knew.  I could tell from his eyes that this human being was walking upon the spectrum.

I want to tell you what that look says to me... Maybe more like it I want to tell you what that look doesn't say to me....

It doesn't say to me he isn't focused.
It does make me wonder what it is he is focusing upon.
It doesn't say to me he can't relate.
It does say to me I wonder what he is relating to.
It doesn't say to me something is wrong or broken.
It does say to me here is a magical human being who has loads to teach me.

I get lost in his gaze.... it is beautiful
I get lost in my thoughts wondering about his
I get lost in his world as often as he would get lost in mine

Entering his space
Sitting next to him as close as he will let me
Waiting upon him
Learning to be still and quiet
Learning more by waiting then I ever thought imaginable
Learning joy in simplicity
Holding that minimizing input is a beautiful reality, one that should be practiced by more of us more often...

Simple Pleasures

The statement, walking upon the spectrum, entered my heart in a new way this morning.  I thought about the light and color spectrum.  And I wondered.  I wondered about my friends and the individuals and families I love and work with that touch the Autistic spectrum ... It's a wondrous journey full not lacking ...  I looked at pictures of spectrums of light and color. I wondered what are we missing.  I wondered about "normal," and how crazy that word is.... I wondered about labels and corrections.  I wondered what I could learn  from simply sitting more and being in their presence not expecting them to sit and be in mine.  I began to realize in even deeper ways that I have far more to be given then to give.. Far more to learn then to teach...

And I smiled and thought of my young friend and his eyes and I smiled all the more... I finally think I am learning... Yogi Bhajan said to "understand" one must stand under.... That is definitely where I'll be found...It is a beautiful view from there...

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