Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It was 1991... BUT IT ISN'T ANYMORE! You, Your voice, Your life... Let's Celebrate!

It was 1991, and I was young.  It is 2015, and I'm not so young anymore.

In 1991, I watched as a man stepped into the Spirit and knew things about the attendees of a conference through revelation of Spirit.  I was young and I watched a stunning display of light erupt.  I was young and wanted to be like that man. I was young but something inside me erupted with passion and hunger and desire.  That man had the ticket.  Or did he?

In the years that have passed since that night in 1991, I have watched and seen many a man and a woman step into Spirit and know things and/or operate in magnificent ways.  I've learned the secret.  I will tell you it in just a moment.  In the years that have passed since that night in 1991, I have watched and seen many a man and woman NOT step into the Spirit and not know things and not operate in magnificent ways.  No, it isn't those I have seen do the opposite, while that is true too.

 It's you!

 I've watched for too many years, too many people step back assuming that they aren't as talented or gifted or articulate or whatever.  I've watched for too many years, seen too many conferences, too many books, too many webinars that taut why you need thus and so. I have seen too many beautiful and wonderful and amazing people express their hearts, that if only they could have the gifting of so and so, then (fill in the blank.)  I have watched to many so and sos let the people continue to believe just that.

It isn't how it is meant to be!  We are given teachers and tutors along our pathways of life, so that all of us.. and "us," meaning humanity can grow up into unity and into fellowship with one another.  Instead we market the hell out of those teachers and tutors and exploit your insecurities and play upon them.  We tell you that you need to be told what to believe and do, and sadly because of life circumstances too many of you have believed us.

I want to say something different.

I want to say that there is nothing that anyone of those men and women have that you couldn't.  And they don't have something that you do!  They aren't you!

This isn't a rah rah, big, loud self help talk... I'm not going to be screaming at you that you are all that and more! I won't stand up on a chair and yell at you to believe you are something that your heart can't believe in the moment.  I want to meet you where you are.  I want to sit with you in your doubt and sorrow, confusion or bewilderment.  I want to hear your story. I want to learn why your heart won't allow you to believe that you are a thorough amazement just because you live and breathe.

You don't need me or anyone else to teach you how to operate in the Spirit. You don't need me or anyone else to show you the ins and outs of how Spirit wants to live and move and be with you.  But you might desire a friend, a companion along the way.. for just a little bit of time along your journey.  That's where we can stroll together. That's where I can listen. That's where you can listen to your own voice, your own heart, your own body. That's where you can learn to hear yourself think and feel and know.  That's where you can stand and become and realize and discover the beauty that is you.

I walked within an arena for far too long.  I believed the tag line I was being told. Until this one moment where I heard Spirit say, "Live your Life." I didn't want to live my life. I wanted to jump onto someone else's vision and grow their lives.  I was willing to be suffocated and fit myself into a box I just couldn't fit into, because I didn't value my life.  Spirit wants you and me to value our own lives.  It is a hard journey. There are many messages out there telling you the opposite.  There are many voices out there telling you that you need help, that you can't do, that you should just jump on this other band wagon. And I'm telling you to start living your life. I'm telling you to start trusting your own voice. I'm telling you that you are a you, and that is beautiful and amazing. I'm telling you I want to hear your song arise from whatever ashes or mediocrity that has held you down, and listen to it explode upon the landscape of your life!

I'm Mims Driscoll.  I'm starting Living Mangaliso. Because there are just too many amazing things happening in you that aren't going noticed!

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