Friday, October 2, 2015

Part one.. A Christian perspective on Kundalini yoga and why I am not afraid

My younger kids wanted to do yoga. There wasn't much in the area. I googled searched a lot.  I found a program that would teach me how to teach my kids yoga. That was my plan. What I didn't know was that the program and its founder were experts in the field and recognized as such. What I didn't know the first time I looked at their page, was that I wasn't just going to be doing their weekend training but that doors would be open to participate in their whole retreat.  Nothing was planned out, it all just was happening.  There was something mentioned about Kundalini Yoga. What I didn't understand was what Kundalini yoga was, had rarely done Breathe of Fire or Joy and hadn't practiced Kundalini once before heading to be trained in it.

It all just happened. It was all rolling out.
Once I had even the slightest inclination of what Kundalini was, I was laughing inside and out.

Twenty five years prior I had had a spiritual experience that introduced me to the Divine man of Jesus.  I lived for about six months afterwards without any official Christian community, but continued to have experience after experience. Presence filled my days. I was aware of the Divine. I was aware of Christ. I was being brought forth into health in ways I never anticipated.  Within six months I would be accepted into a Christian college though I had had no idea of how to fill out their application, because of their religious jargon.  I didn't know one could have a "relationship with God," so when asked that question in an essay, I simply answer, "I didn't." Then I told them the stories of what was happening to me.

Upon acceptance and arrival, I would be brought to more traditional expressions on Sunday mornings.  Until a group of friends I had made grabbed me by the arm one Sunday and said that I was going with them.  I had never heard terms about denominations, charismatic, spirit filled etc.  Not until I was in a service and spirit and light and energy was being expressed.

So upon arriving at my training and experiencing everything that was happening around me, it felt familiar.  I want to say that again.  It felt familiar. Because it was... and everything in you that trusted me to be a discerning leader before my yoga training was operating and looking and watching and feeling it all out.  And I will tell you this.................Everything I had learned over 25 years was present. And my teachers taught me some of the exact things I had learned during my years in the Institute for Spiritual Development.  They taught me what I focus on I empower, They taught me that I was a spiritual being having a human experience, they taught me the principles of water and water molecules and what we speak over ourselves and how we should bless our lives and the lives around us.  Sound familiar?

There was nothing I hadn't first learned back in the late 90s that wasn't being talked about; light, color, spirit, energy!

But then came your questions.  Just even the term "kundalini," sent you running in fear and accusing with judgement.  Hhhhhmmmmm kinda like the word "charismatic" does in certain other circles. Regardless of what group is around.. most people want an "us" and a "them."  A propensity for rigidity instead of understanding and true discernment creates wide divides.

Questions asking if I was aware about this or that with Kundalini and its origins arose time and time again.
I drew away and paused and sought an articulate answer. I wanted to know what I thought about it, not even what I had been taught per se... BUT WHAT I HAD LEARNED! What had I learned through my teachers. What had I seen... What had I experienced.

I experienced wise women and men who knew how to move their bodies and touch breathe and flow of light and color and energy.  Just like I had had twenty years ago within other communities.

Then a picture and a remembrance.  I remember going to Scotland and needing adapters for the electric circuits.  Then lots of other remembrances that I will get to in a minute.  I had a $100.00 hair straightener. I had the adapter. I didn't plug the adapter in right and my $100.00 hair straightener was blown and was never going to be used again.

Energy, spirit, light are powerful. When not used correctly they can be very destructive. I'm not talking hair straighteners nor am I talking yoga here...

I had spent 20 plus years in Charismatic, Non denominational organizations and churches as a leader, pastoring, church planting, leading and helping to lead large and small organizations, events, meetings.

So now when I am asked about Kundalini yoga and energy and if I'm concerned or worried, you know what my response is? Not anymore then I would be within the church.  And my answer continues.  With discernment it isn't the energy or Spirit that is the problem or the danger.  I've seen beautiful things throughout the years within the Church and I've seen beautiful things this last Summer and year within Yoga Studios.

 I've seen such immense harm and horror done in the name of Spirit and Light within the church, that nothing outside could even compare.  I've seen jealousy and envy run rampant and destroy a community, marriages, and lives.  I've seen lack of fidelity cripple individuals and large communities. I've watched as people so hungry for a spiritual gift, or experience do insane things to acquire them.  I've watched many a gong be played out instead of love spill out.  And I grieve. I have watched people who wanted Holy Spirit and spiritual expressions and gifts go crazy, (not kundalini yogis here... Christians pursuing spirit over love, gifting over interior change, just living in  exterior character conformity to religious expression instead of real life changing interior movement.) I've seen the destructive nature of people pursuing spiritual things, so I do know what I am talking about here...  Without discernment and right motivations, all Spirit and light become dangerous, dark and twisty and messy very quickly.

And so when you ask me if I am worried about Kundalini yoga, my answer will never be about Kundalini yoga.  I am worried that people misuse power, spirit, light and energy for their own personal gain and benefit.  I've watched leaders cripple people standing in a place of power, privilege and posturing instead of equipping the all, the many.. they allowed the many to suck off their tit, empowering ego and weakening lives.People, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Yogi.. whatever, people will be people. There is always that gold ring that needs one liken to a hobbit to carry.

It isn't about Kundalini. It is about humanity.  It is can we live the spiritual life we are created to in love and service without selfish ambition or gain.

Yoga has taught me that my practice is my practice. Yoga has taught me to listen to my body. Yoga has taught me to be respectful of spirit not just character but internal, emotional intelligence and life force within.  Yoga has taught me through the power of Holy Spirit that one can stand strong or weak, breathing and moving and appreciating the presence of light and energy, being aware of what it is and knowing that it is meant for life not harm.

I've watched people think they were loved less by God because they didn't walk in this or that, and I've watched leaders let them.  I've watched yoga instructors, trainers and owners come to the mat and empower students as they live their lives as students as well.  The yoga community hasn't harmed my being or heart or life, it has pieced it back together, taught me immense truths and lived out practical kindness time after time after time.

So no... I am not afraid of Kundalini yoga.  I am concerned that without discernment and understanding people act in fear in many situations, make false judgements, and seek to manipulate the beautiful gifts that exist within Spirit and Creation.  Ego and lack of knowledge is what causes one to perish, not Kundalini Yoga.....

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