Friday, January 16, 2015

It's going to take time Conversation... four...

Sitting in quiet and silence.               

My heart and mind going back over and over different times, different places.. faces, times, people, places...

Sweetness enters... His voice,

"It's going to take time."

"It's going to take time, give yourself time."

Time to unwind
Time to breathe
Time to learn
Time to unlearn
Time to grow
Time to heal

"It's going to take time."

In a culture such as ours what a luxury to hear upon the air those precious five words.  Their truth takes time to receive. Their depths take an intentional shifting of perspective.  Time.

He and I have all the time in the world.

Don't rush He whispers


It is our desire that we would know Him.
Can we cease striving?
Can we be still?

If we can cease striving we are promised we will know Him...
If we can touch, hold unto ourselves stillness we will know Him...
If we can sit and let Him know us and enter into His peace, His shadow, His dwelling.. we will know Him..

I sat there.  There's so much I want settled.  There are so many answers I hunger for and feel like I need.  His stillness stands there as does His gaze and as He looks at me, I melt.  "You need time," He whispers, "Time to sit, and be still, and to know Me, let's not rush past these moments.  Let's, you and I, savor them. You display trust when you pause, linger, wait upon Me."


Sit with Him in quiet stillness and be transformed.

I believe more in what can be done through rest and a ceasing of striving then any following the perfect 5 year plan could ever achieve. I believe. I believe in rest. I believe in waiting. I believe in knowing Him. I believe in allowing Him to permeate and penetrate and go deeper and deeper still, bringing me deeper and deeper into a Heavenly stillness that knows no description.  Any attempt to try to use language to express what that place feels like, that saturated pause in Him... they don't exist.  You must simply, profoundly, enter...


His rest..
His pause
His life...

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