Thursday, January 1, 2015

What the adding of sinews is like... a practice..

I do believe it is human nature to want to make transformation complicated.  I am not under some delusion that it doesn't take hard work.  What I have found is some of the hardest work is letting it go.  The "it" for all of us will be different.

Last year I was in a horrible car accident that placed me in bed for ten weeks and had numerous consequences that lingered. March 11 was the date of the event.  On March 27 I made a decision away from bitterness that had been encroaching way before the accident occurred.  There was only a very small amount of things I could do during those days, and as I lay in bed with noise and light of any kind being a problem I remembered..


I had read Brother Lawrence and his writings on practicing the presence of God back in 1991 and had loved my copy well.  I returned to what I had known.  Unable to do much I could invite and linger within His presence.  I would be introduced to Frank Laubach and his, "Game of Minutes."  I would begin to "play" on March 27th 2014.

Frank Laubach had once said, "All who have tried that kind of abiding for a month know the power of it -- it is like being born again from center to circumference."  Those words, "from center to circumference," resonated deeply within me as I stepped (laying flat on my back in a dark and quiet room) into a journey that would forever change my life.  It brought me back to the center. It realigned my course. It reminded me of who I was.. of who I am.  Laubach's challenge to "Fill every minute with the thought of God," was something I could do.  And that coupled with Brother Lawrence's quote, "In these times of dryness and unclearness which bother our souls, there needs to be fidelity to Him."

None of that hit me with religious overtones, it was a Lover's pursuit to come away from all else and be with Him. 

From March 27th to April 27 of 2014 I, to the best of my ability,  invited God into every moment that I could remember to do so... and within a month I felt from center to circumference different... It wasn't some magically expression of any sort of given words, it was a practice that I worked on every day.  As going to the gym daily builds physical strength this practice was strengthened my spiritual core.. my center. 

Pile of dry bones meets sinews... pile of dry bones encounters breath. Pile of dry bones arises and remembers what it is like to stand not as a pile but as a creative creature who can breathe.

This practice is one of thousands out there.  It happens to be one that has transformed my life.  As I have at other times I invite you to journey into center to circumference living and touch its capacity to change and birth and resurrect life.  Not just the good moments but all moments inviting Him in and asking Him to abide with you as you abide with Him.

Let's stay in touch and let me know on February 1st or any day in between ... I'd love to hear about your journey....

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