Thursday, August 13, 2015

A drive to charlotte would introduce me to my toes...


I'm somewhat in denial that I moved away from the Carolina's over two years ago. Maybe it is because we left our oldest son behind when we moved to Virginia, but in fairness to the other five children that made the move with us, they are all  pretty incredible human beings.  I often say, if they weren't my kids, I'd want to know them. They are some of the most fabulous individuals I've ever met.  It definitely could be the weather.  South Carolina spoiled me as I lived in flip flops or bare feet basically 365 days of the year.  Yes, there is a reason that Crayola calls that amazing color, Carolina Blue, the skies are the brightest and bluest.  Maybe it was the strawberries, the peaches, the once upon a time small town like setting right next to something like a city. Hey, I was born and raised around NYC and Boston, Charlotte didn't ever feel like such a city.  But, hey, it's growing.  Why?  Because it's the Carolina's. 

But move away we did.  And actually the only reason any of that is important to this posting is because I look for every and any opportunity to return. Hence, I am an expert of the three hour drive from Blacksburg, VA to Charlotte, NC or Fort Mill, SC.  Even before the move actually happened that stretch of road and I, we were great friends.  

Something different would happen this one day, as I traveled 81 S to 77 S. That happening would enter my heart and start to ricochet, creating new pathways of thought, hope and life.  Ok, I never said I wasn't corny. Matter of fact I'm coming to grips with the reality that I have more common with Nellie from South Pacific than most people.  For most of you, you need to know it is a musical.  There's this song where she sings Cockeyed Optimist, set in the Pacific during wartime, she decides to see a different way.   I can also be prone to exaggeration but since I discovered that about myself I've tried to learn how to hold it in check.  I think to myself, is this true, I mean like really really true and to this degree.  I modify expression where necessary. The truth is  I just love words, the way they can be used to communicate or express is a wonderment to me and so I try to fit in as many of them as I can. Why say something in ten words when you can use 10,000.  I'm working on becoming more succinct. 

As my good friends know, while it is sadly against the law, I love driving bare foot.  Also as my good friends know, my left foot is often found up on the windowsill on the drivers side. (Just saying for clarification purposes.) I hit cruise control and get as comfortable as one can. I had it all going for me this one day, the music, the cruise control, my foot... There was a beautiful big blue clear sky and it was just a happy moment. 

 My hand would reach forward and begin to rub my toes. Oh, it started innocently enough.  Just rubbing my foot.  But then I started to notice them with my fingers, and my fingers began to separate and touch each individual toe.  As music would play and the light would shine in, my heart started to say, "These are my toes."  Before I realized over an hour had passed, I had repeated and repeated those four words over and over and over again.  I had found different emphasis at times.  Such as:

THESE are my toes.
These are MY toes.
These ARE my toes.
These are my TOES.

And so it went.................

OK, I'm sure I've lost about half of you. But maybe the other half of you are either in tears or smiling.

My body and I haven't always been friends. Matter of fact I'm not sure we are on BFF status often.  In those moments I was claiming my body, starting with the toes. This my body.  These are mine. They simply and profoundly are, they actually exist... I exist. I exist in a body.  It is a body. It is mine. More like a toddler or a yogi in Happy Baby pose, I was finding delight in being in my body and having a body.  For me that was huge.

When life circumstances and situations come where we would rather not be in our bodies,maybe even in our lives; we become adept at living elsewhere.  We live in our minds detached from our hearts and our physical selves.  We live in a hovering place where one feels so separate from the reality of having a physical self, that the connection between life and feet and living rarely happens.  Maybe we are so filled with self - hatred or disgust over how we look that to identify with our physical body is the last thing we would ever want to do.  Maybe we are embarrassed by  certain qualities or lack there of and in comparison and in life we die a million tiny or not so tiny deaths every day and every time we look into the mirror.

This moment, in the car, I was beginning to reverse those ways. I was claiming I have a body. This is my body. These are mine. I can share them or not. I can show them or not. They are mine. They are beautiful.

So here are a couple practical exercises for you if you want to get to know and love your body more....

1) Pick a part.  NO!!!  Don't "Pick a part" yourself.  Pick a part of your body. Maybe one that as been least likely to find Friend of the Year Status. Sit with it. Touch it. (I don't care what part it is.. touch it, if its been an issue) You can use my four statements with the different emphasis on each word, or find your own.  Don't rush away when it becomes uncomfortable.  Sit with yourself. You are in a body. This body is that which empowers you to walk upon the earth and engage with her and live. Take the time to get to know this that houses the essence that is you.

2) There is this Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto. "He  was born in Japan and is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. His photographs were first featured in his self-published books Messages from Water 1 and 2. The Hidden Messages in Water was first published in Japan, with over 400,000 copies sold internationally.  What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the study of water is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. By producing different focused intentions through written and spoken words and music and literally presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to “change its expression”.
Essentially, Dr. Emoto captured water’s ‘expressions.’ He developed a technique using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, to photograph newly formed crystals of frozen water samples. Not all water samples crystallize however. Water samples from extremely polluted rivers directly seem to express the ‘state’ the water is in.
Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health. The success of his books outside Japan has been remarkable"  (

I've seen pictures of these experiments.  I believe in the power of words.  Ancient Hebrews believed that once a word was spoken it never ended. It was. Interesting that the Christian wisdom writing would then express that one must be aware of idle words. Language is potent.

Now think of the ways you speak about yourself and your body and your life.  Now realize that you are made up of 70% water.  Just pause and let that all sink in.

SO.....  Place a hand upon your feet and bless them. Put a hand upon your mind and bless it. Bless your arms and legs for the work they do for you every day. Bless those hips or that ass that drives you crazy and has you wishing it was 3 sizes smaller or the breasts you want bigger, or the arms you want to be more muscular. No, these things will not necessarily change the shape or size of said body part. They will change your heart.

One day I had this picture for this person.  I saw medical tape with words on it. I simply suggested that she take the tape and put words like: Beautiful, courageous, strong, intelligent,peaceful, magnificent, fabulous, wanted, loved, cherished, etc... on those pieces of tape.  Then apply those pieces of tape with words onto her body.  I've done it too.

It's amazing how throughout the day, as I knew that there were such words upon me and I smiled at knowing my secret. Despite what world, family, co-workers, peers, teachers, or SELF would say I was putting another message upon my body.

So it started with a drive upon highways heading to Charlotte, I met my toes and they introduced me to a whole other life I hadn't been living.... Enjoy the journey and your body and you..


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