Saturday, August 8, 2015

To be more myself every day...... (thank you S.A. deepest gratitude to you too)

For every one hundred voices of fear that would scream at me to stop, it takes just the one that says, "thank you," that fans a flame that will decide to not be quenched.

Do not think me more courageous then you.
Understand .. oh, please.. thoroughly understand... that it is you.. that it is I .. that is us together that will feed one another's hunger.... That it is the promise of Spirit that whosoever hungers and thirsts for a life where right life and light exist will be fed. As Rumi once said, "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray." We will sup at a table so large and full, and we will do so together, laughing and singing and smiling... Oh such a joyous revelry we will experience.

You see...... I am not just a commentator or an observer from afar.. sadly... All too sadly.
I have watched the cruelty of religion and the reality of a fear so insane imprison far too many.  Yet I have also tasted such a divine treat of light, laughter, and love.. that I will not negate that reality and allow cruelty to have any lasting victory.

So I have slowed down and yet I know that even beyond this pace there is slower. And I have touched a kindness that is riveting and yet I know that beyond this expression there is yet a deeper song.  I have heard a melody whose notes majestically merge a whisper and a shout  both into a symphony and a choir, and  whose beauty compels the soul towards freedom.  I have caught a glimpse of a love so vast and immense that when even coming infinitely closer to it I can barely comprehend it nor can I truly stand in its wake.

Then I come up for air. Out of the mystery. Out of the moment.  Many things happen. At times simultaneously. I am both in love more and challenged more.  I can stand and watch my cat play with a blade of grass, become enraptured in the joyous outburst of a six year old, scrub and clean the base of a toilet bowl.  That is the fruit I desire of any moment of spirit and love.  That I not long for such a repeat of the ethereal moment but that I take it and bring it into living a life that then echos it into the reality of others.

I  come back also to notes or messages or words of loving concern (at times) or out and out confusion or feelings of betrayal. I don't think there is an emotion or question that you feel or experience that I haven't.  You are not my nemesis. What I would say.. what it might have taken me weeks, months, years to come to to say.. IS it is ok for us to love the same Spirit and have it look vastly different. A journey I was accustomed to changed and was altered and I went upon an unexpected trail within the same woods, my friend, within the same woods.

 Maybe I am not called to walk upon the path or meet the people your life has for you to walk and maybe you aren't called to walk upon the path or meet the people my life has for me to walk.  That is ok.  You walk where you journey and I will walk where I journey, and we will smile at each other; for hopefully, within one another, while the expression might be vastly different, the joyous and powerful light remains the same.   My pattern is mine. Yours is yours. I trust in perfect love and am motivated to find its truest expression so that fear gets eradicated.  I know that that is your heart too... There are places we can journey together and there are places for each of us to go ...

But to the one who posted upon my page a thank you for being whatever conduit for you that opens breathe and life and you up to you... Know this.. You inspire me just the same.  Let us fuel one another and encourage those places in us that yearn, scream, ache, and cry for more.  Let us love radically without thought or concern and in so doing touch the perfected essence where fear is no more.  I earnestly believe this is what we are all called to and if we would love more than we would fear, if we would say yes and maybe more then we would say no and definitely not; then maybe... just maybe eternity's smile would find its placement upon our faces and that light would shine.

Ah... what a most fantastic thought.

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