Monday, August 24, 2015

What's Demonic?

I don't write publicly as often right now.  I can realize that I am in  such a season of paradigm shift and change that to put words out there in cyberspace today seems like, well maybe I won't believe that or feel that way soon and so caution has been the mode of operandi. Discernment of when to speak and when to be silent and let process, change and paradigm shift just happen...

The last few days have been interesting to me in regards to a particular pursuit of mine, and it has come to a place where I choose to not be silent.

I realize something about myself these days, however, and that  is that there are underlying streams of anger that I am processing through.  Anger at myself.  Anger at choices I have made.  Anger at religious stupidity and the lack of pursuit of true discernment and the fallback to lazy listening (I'll get back to that in a bit).  In understanding this about myself I have also wanted to exercise caution, because I don't want to be an "angry" person, writing from an angry perspective.

I desire to be thoughtful and thought provoking, but I hunger to do so with a heart of peace and a heart hungry for true exploration.

With those two disclaimers out of the way, I enter into this piece....

So what practice of mine has people asking me all sorts of questions? What practice of mine has a huge spectrum of thought and ish attached to it?  A simple and profound 4 letter word.  Yoga.

Why? One might ask... Why would yoga have me on the receiving end of some thoughtful and not so thoughtful questions and comments?  Well because I have lived  spiritually for a very long time as a Christian.  I have spent the last 24 years (I'm 43) following (as best as I have known how) the spiritual path of Christ.  I have spent the majority of that time in non-denominational Charismatic type churches and organizations.  There is a vast spectrum of beliefs out there in Christian circles regarding the practice of yoga. I have in my three short months bumped up to a multitude of them. And some of you have been so kind (sarcastic.. sorry) to send me youtube videos as to educate me towards the heresy I have participated in... Seriously... that is maybe one sentence I should have edited out but I thought it too fun to include.

So let me first be honest to say I have only participated in yoga for three months.  They have been life changing months and I love my journey into this time but it is brief.  I do not write this as an expert on yoga.  I write this as an expert on living on the edges of what Christians would say is acceptable or not.

Within the spheres my husband and I have walked and lived in we have encountered much in regards to people thinking my husband or I are some sort of heretic.  Upon those watch dog websites his name is listed among some of our best friends.. Oh please laugh at this .. It is someone's false notion that the Christian world needs to be protected against the Holy Spirit and His gifts.  Anyway.. I digress.  I'm not new to controversial subjects is what I am saying.

When I taught on the reality of talking plain speak and not talking Christianese, of empowering people into learning to communicate spiritual realities in a way that would really impact all people I was told that I was going to hell.  Can't make some of this stuff up....

What I would want people to know about me is I take spiritual reality very seriously.

There's so much I could put into this post.  But for now I want to keep it brief and I don't want to "tell," you anything... I want you to learn to think and question and discern for yourself....

I have received comments and questions on the spectrum such as... How dare I use my influence and not understand how people view Stir The Water and I  and so flippantly talk about attending yoga, when it is demonic?   First I would like to say I don't flippantly talk about much, I actually care very much about language and words and think very carefully and precisely about words I use.  Second, I disagree with the premise that yoga is demonic.  Then comes on the other end.  The private messages.. the texts... the calls.. the thank yous... the thank yous from others who have had to walk this line in their churches balancing out faith and practice.  So it's for that second group of people that I choose to write.

So here.. here is where I could go off and talk about how yoga, in and of itself is not a religion.. and could talk about so much but instead of doing that I want to put some questions out there...

Specifically addressing the comments I get the most... "But so and so says its bad at best, demonic at worst."  Well, I personally have known some of those so and so people... so let me ask you these questions....

What's more "demonic?"  And can I just say I HATE that word especially when so "flippantly" thrown out there.... especially in this regard but that is the word that is used in this context so let's go there...

A practice that has brought life, love, courage, strength, and joy into my life and has empowered me to reside more deeply within my body (as one who has survived and thrived away  from abuse and didn't like dwelling within my body) or practices I witnessed first hand where the so and so person you name went on rampages treating staff and others carelessly and with words and "practices," time after time that would classify as anything but christlike behavior.

Or how about the time when so and so person because of personal preferences in regards to tattoos made an individual's life feel the affect of displeasure? Or the time when so and so person .... and that list could go on and on and on...

You see I take the word, demonic, pretty seriously.  I take discernment and choice very seriously.  And I take influence that people have very very seriously.

What I would say is if it doesn't feel right for you don't do it.. but don't speak cart blanche about something under the guise of religious fear... If we live that way then we don't follow Christ into all the different "Samarias," of the world... if we live in religious fear and don't engage in discernment and with lazy ears only listen to the so and so expert who has never walked into a yoga studio, then we don't follow the Man who let lepers, women, tax- collectors etc etc touch Him, walk with Him, be with Him.....  The Man who walked and engaged with all sorts of people that the religious of the day would call unclean, demonic and that list goes on and on... As does the list of things they called Him..

Let's instead embrace words like:

Freedom... choice... discernment... life... joy... exploration...  

Let's realize that there are things that are really dark in spiritual reality and this is NOT one of them.. let's not give into religious fear and hide in the shadows or even try to christianize something that is just ok without the hyper spiritualization...  I can say Om Shante and proclaim peace as much as I say peace when and if I would say Shalom...

Let's discovery love and not fear..

 I've seen such beauty in my faith but I have seen such ugly and utterly horrible behavior in the name of Christ and I have seen the lack of discernment bring horrible things to pass as has small thinking and religious fear.

 I have heard too many call that which is beautiful profane....

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